My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Some New News... No. Some babble? Probably. Read On.


Episode 2 of "Crappy Hour" is availible... Download now! Clicky: "Crappy Hour" Podcast Blog

Now. Back to My Babbling.

Well, I haven't really posted for a long while, with anything interesting to say.
To be honest I've had nothing interesting to say since March - "Wait, that's when this blog started?" Yes. You see my point.

Anyway. For those who do read I thank you very much, for those who I force to read, hello and thank you for listening to my force.

Hmm, congratulations to everyone on their GCSE's by the way, especially Couzin Grace. Who was obsessed by the fact she would fail. I told her she wouldn't then edited her grades (Remember... The Godliness) so she would be happy.

For those going back to that Hell-Hole in September, such as myself, good luck and I wish you hope with all examinations, detentions and plots to kill the teachers and set fire to your skoole's.
Yes. I still refuse to spell it correctly. Childish. Definetly. Do I care? No.
Anyway, my next two years should be slightly more bearable... I've taken the subjects I enjoy and like the most, for those who don't read, or who care. Here they be:
I took French, becuase I can't stand Welsh.
Geography, becuase I like it and I found it more useful than History and RE (Religious Lies, they never taught you that I was God?)
Drama, because I thought it was more important than the others if I wanted to become a director (It took a long time to turn down D&T, but I that reason chose it for me...)
Doubles Science, because I had to...
and IT, because I'm good at it.

Now. Let's stop with the doom.

Studio8 Films Update: Through the medium of magical music, I have fixed my inspiration, now I just need to match some moving pictures to the inspiration...
When the plan for a new film has been decided the Studio8 blog will be back. And less interesting than ever. Unless your interested in film-making. For those who are. Clicky: Studio8 Films

I like owning all these blogs. Haha. They will rule blogger. Or not.

Well, thanks for your time.
Come back soon, when I have something to talk about.



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