My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 11 of 16: A Trip to the Hospital.

The hospital is never good news, I suppose that is why we are there in the first place.
Things never usually get better without getting worse, so, today was a first; since my birth, I've never needed to enter a hospital for my own personal crap, but today it was time to recieve my own bit of "half-bad" news.

My GP reffered me to dermatology, because my now "not so ugly" face (Which, I actually am beginning to feel happy with, hence the pics of me appearing... So Year 7's can go fuck themselves, perhaps their balls will drop and they will get spots, I suppose until then, they will shout the brand names of shitty "Over the counter" face cleansers, such as "Clearasil" which DOES NOT WORK.) will not fix itself.

So, today was my visit to Dermatology, to see a Dermatologist, which I can now pronounce.
She gave me a few options, carry on with my current treatment or begin an "Isotretinoin" treatment, which is like Industrial Strengh Antibiotics, which (I learnt this today. I'm not a freekin doctor) doesn't actually attack the spots, it attacks the fucking glands in the skin and makes them stop working, so far so good, finally a treatment that sounds like it CAN do something.

"But there are side effects."

I'm worried now. I've just read over the "common side-affects":
Dryness of the skin.
Mild itching and peeling.
Dry throat.
Fragile and redder skin. (Will require use of vaseline and moisturiser)
Dry, irritated eyes. (May require eye drops - I FUCKING HATE EYE DROPS)
Muscle aches and pains, sore tendons. (Especially if you take "vigorous exercise" - That's me safe then.)
Arthritic Pain. (Jesus Christ? I'm gona seem fucking 80)
Hair loss or hair increase.
Possible mood changes. (Such as depression or mental disorders.)

Oh yes and finally. " rare cases suicide and attempts of suicide..."

I really want this shit now. Oh and of course the RARE side-effects include, headaches, sickness, tiredness, sweating, slight loss of hearing, changes of vision, liver disease, seizures, infections, internal inflammation, nail changes, increased facial pigmentation, swollen glands, inflamed blood vessels, diabetes, changes of blood sugar (Likely if you are asthmatic [Moi])
Increase of uric acid in the blood, which can damage the kidneys.
Cell clotting can be affected.
White blood cells may reduce in number.

High doses can cause bone changes.

They also want my blood. I reckon, they will take my blood and find something terrible.

Anyway, on the bus home from town with my time-travel partner Hayley and fellow bus people Rhi, Jamie, Dan and Ben. We talked about my drugs and drugs in general and halluncinations of cheese-graters and people turning into food and such. The usual convo's.
We came to the conclusion, that I will make an advert for the drugs. It will be made.


Today's Mood: Scared and lost yet happy.
Listening To: Time is Running Out - Muse (Abit Ironic.)
Message?: AAAAAAH.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

GET BACK! *Squark!* *BANG!*

Well, I'm not trying to destroy anyone's hopes or dreams, but well, Bird Flu is spreading.
So, here is your official:

"Sam's Realm of Babbling Fatal Warning #2"

The birdflu pandemic is inevitable, mainly because some people are idiots, ie, they see the ill chicken spluttering blood and whatever and think "Oh no, I must go take it through some random towns and see if another chicken can make it better, on my way there I will let it spit and crap onto the roads, I will also try and give it CPR. Because I am a Chicken Saver."

And the politician's who pretend it isnt going to happen, while the news has set up the "Bird Flu Panic Studio" (The usual Studio with a bird poster on the wall).

"Oh. Do not worry, we have NOT ordered TAMIFLU. As WE are dominant, because we are fat politician's who spend taxes on holidays in the sun, we can spend more money on giant titanium boxes at the centre of the Earth. Oh no wait... We.. Err. Have some of those..."

So. You've had your warning.
My advice? If you happen to have a spare part for a XenonS8-X88-TimeSpaceDistorterEngine, then I can take you to my home planet...
Or, go to Hawaii.

Today's Mood: Feeling Ok. Alive.
Listening To: Sod All.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Teen Spirit!

Just got back from Teen, I'm half deaf but still alive, even after my four trips to the mosh pit.
So I'm happy. 3 and a half hours of awesome music with the coolest people I know.



So, it's the day after and my ears are almost back to normal (It's almost 5:30).
Hello to everyone who was there, Rhi, Hayley, Bev, Anna, (Another Girl. Ssh) Danni, Tom, Bale(Only 5!), Jamie(I rescued your shoe), Dan, Holly, Sara and anyone else, so sorry if I forgot your name, just send me a death threat and I shall add.

Some tips. Do not try to mosh to songs people are trying to dance to, ie. I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Cheifs. Trust me, it's not really appreciated.

The mosh pit is awesome. Just try not to fall over and get sat on.
Thanks to the awesome cool people though:
*Falls over*
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?
Shall I get you some tea?"
Well ok. But they are cool.

I miss the funky dancing and the people and the music... =( Must go again =D

Current Mood: Reminising. Happyish =)
Listening To: I want you to want Me - Letters To Cleo (Reminds me of Funky Dancing with Hayley =D)
Message?: Errm. Not today.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Aloha #146

For anyone who still reads this blog, welcome and thank you.

So, hmm. Recent crap. Umm.

*Finds little sheet, list thing*

Well, it's still half term, away from the skoole, the happy little community of hate, with no respect for anyone or anything, where even the loyalties between the strongest friendships and pushed and broken and it's been fun (Back to half term now.)

It's day 6 of my 14 days of freedom and I've been down to Mumbles for a few days. It was abit rainy, but Mumbles rocks in all weather. Except extremes, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, you see, that's when you need to leave Mumbles, as there is molten ash melting through the walls of your house. (Even my drama notes are getting scared by what I'm saying, they've just floated off my desk. Again)

So, during my excursion to Mumbles, I went to see the Ospreys!
Most would believe that I am very una-athletic, however I'm not. I like to run the 100m sprint, because it's interesting to see how far I lag behind Jonny. He smells. But I CAN actually do long jump (Wooo. Almost 4m! But that was a while ago. I'll have to find out.) So, I went to watch the Ospreys, with Mr Henson (The Orange Slug) and stuffs (I really don't do names.) with my couzin, aunt (Evil Scarletts Supporter =O) and grandparents (Also evil Scarletts supporters =O).


I will post some of the pics we took, just to prove I was there, because I CAN SEE YOUR EYES ROLLING. STOP! I WAS THERE!

And better yet. We Won XD
So. There we go.

I'm surprised I'm still alive though. Most of my chants included:
"Kill the Turks"
"Die Turk"
And such.

So there we go. Moving on.

Just realized, I have some of my French CW on my tongue, for some reason I tried to eat it at my couzins house, I REALLY do not know why. But luckily, the massive smudge of ink is still legible. So much work to do. Fucking exams. My prep so far? Sod All. I'm so fucking screwed.

And why don't any of the pens in my couzins house work?!

Well. More to chat about for another time.

Today's Mood: Falling to Pieces, for many reasons. Scary stabby\burny\twisty pain in stomach.
Listening To: Let It Bleed - The Used.
Message?: None today. But I must remember to talk more crap tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yes. Another Fucking Death.

on the news there was a girl
who submitted a tape and it was a phone conversation
between a girl and her boyfriend. This is how is

Amber: Ronny, are you gonna come over
tomorrow to meet my mom? Like I said before, she really
wants to meet you.

Ronny: Of course, honey. I know how much this
means to you. When would you like me to come

Amber: How about 6-ish? Hey Ronny, what's that
tapping sound?

Ronny: What?! I don't hear anything... You're
probably imagining things, sweetheart.

Amber: Quit joking around, Ronny!! Stop making
that noise. It's getting louder!

Ronny: I don't joke, you should know that by
now... I love you so much, and I would never lie to you...

Amber: It's starting to hurt my ears!!!!! How can you
NOT hear that?! Hold on, there's someone at the
door... I'll be right back! Don't miss me too much!

**She answers the door and sees Ronny**
**standing there, holding a knife and a phone**

Ronny: Hey, honey... I've missed you...

**He slaughtered Amber and when her parents**
**came at six the next day he killed them too.**

If you don't repost this bulletin in two hours, Amber
will crawl out from under your bed in your sleep
and murder you. The last thing you will see are her
rotting eyes and the phone...still in her hand and repost
this with the title "Why sex hurts girls"
8 people have died from not reposting

Well, good luck fucking fitting under my bed. It's a futon, you better be thin bitch.
And who's counting? How THE FUCK do you know when someone has been murdered by some girl with a phone and rotting eyes?

If I'm dead. Seriously. You know why.

Toast and MSN at 1am.

Well, isn't life full of fun? Woo! The Life of A GCSE Student. Toast and MSN at 1am.

Thanks to Bev, I've been informed exams are less than five weeks away, in fact, in a month we'll be in the middle of the fun packed, barrel of fun that are painful pieces of paper that can destroy lives strewn across shitty little tables in a large, cold, echoey, leaky sports hall.

So. There we go. Yay. Love life.


Monday, April 17, 2006


It seems I'm only posting omens to my death recently.
But, don't worry, I am alive. Well, I think I am anyway.

So, the podcasts are done, all 3 episodes are availible on iChoons and for download, just go to the Podcast Blog from... Over there *Points* >>

So, Easter. I was working yesterday =P I think I've pissed off my boss somehow, I'm not sure.
Haha, just remembered though, an old cover teacher was there, she hated us and left the skoole, she called me the "Sly boy" because I changed the name on the front of my french book to Betty Spaghetti, haha, she hated us. (Flashbacks... High trousers, pink scarf, evil looks.. Chasing people around the classroom with a sharpener shouting "I'm going to get you!" Oh no wait. That's Tom's impression...)
But I got payed, so it's more ££ to my Studio8 Fund (Now standing at £6.78 - Feel free to donate *Points*>>)

Em, so, what has been happening? I don't know =P
I should write it all down, but sod it.

End of term, yay. Exams only 5 weeks or so away. Isn't skoole life FUN?!
We've had drama exams, we screwed up so bad they threw the tape away =P And we did it all again. Fucking chavs.
English is shit. But what's new? I've screwed up all the mini-tests in English - I can't stand it, it's so boring and my teacher seems to think he's a lawyer from one of the shitty plays we've been focusing on. "With my hat, I am Alfieri. I am a lawyer and I keep a gun in my filing cabinet..."

What else? Hmm. It's for another time, I'm too lazy to even blog, grr.

Today's Mood?: Happy, yet dead inside? Torn up inside because I can't tell her.
Listening To: Living for the Weekend - Hard-Fi (Reminds me of Lille. Well, the journey.)
Message?: Yep, some quotes:

My Evil Maths Teacher:
"...don't stay positive. Go negative..."

"smiley nails are the next craze!"
"dnt do drugs, drugs are bad."
"god help the girls wen u start dancing"
"I have a cat on my desk"

So, thats me for another few days.

Ciao. Aloha. Au revoir. Bye.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Hmm. The amount of death mail on myspace is starting to scare me:


Sorry, but because u opened this you will die in 3 days. sorry. the only way you can reverse this is by reposting it within 5 minutes. good luck

By opening this chainmail u have been given bad luck for 2 months. If u repost this message then the bad luck will turn good.

Here are the rules.

1)Give the bulletin a name that has nothing to do with a chain letter because this letter is a trap. The more people that you trick, the better luck you will have

(so you neva know wen these damn things are right! lol xx)
So. There we go.
Please repost. Or you will "die.. or something"

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Well, it just occured to me, I missed my blog's 1st birthday!
Not that anyone really cares, it was hardly like people were going to party over a bloody blog.

Anyhoo. March 18th 2007. Wish my blog Happy Birthday.

Also, the world now knows me, take a look over there... *Points >*
Yes BabbleFans, that it moi. The one and only. I have let a few people take exclusive pictures of me, usually I would delete them, but I thought, some pictures of me NEED to excist. So there is one.

Just realized also. I haven't put the clock forward on my blog...

Today's Mood: Bored Emo.
Listening To: Float On - Modest Mouse
Message?: "Crappy Hour" Episode 4 - Coming Soon.

Something About That Clown.

A few years ago, a mother and father decided they needed a
break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town.So
they called their most trusted babysitter.When the babysitter
arrived, the two children were already fast asleep in bed.So the
babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was
okay with the children.Later at night, the babysitter got bored
and went to watch tv but she couldn't watch it downstairs
because they didnt have cable downstairs (the parents didn't
want the children watching too much garbage).So she called
them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parents'
room.Of course the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had
one final request.She asked if she could cover up the clown
satue in their bedroom with a blanket or cloth, because it made
her nervous.The phoneline was silent for a moment, (and the
father who was talking to the babysitter at the time)said....take
the children and get out of the house....we'll call the police...we
don't have a clown statue...the children and the babysitter got
murdered by the clown.It turned out to be that the clown was a
killer that escaped from jail.If u don't repost this within 5 minutes
the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3:00 am with a
knife in his hand...
There's just something about clowns people. Seriously. Some people have issues.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another Week. Or whatever.

Well once again, the blog has been left alone, to rot, like some, rotting thing, in a rotty place, near a delapitated house, which is rotting. You get the point.

So, not much has happened - I'm not a rockstar or anything, I'm just God; therfore, I cannot talk much of my duties, like hiding life on mars while satellites fly over. Oopps. You didn't hear it from me.

Well, the week has been alright actually, I went to town last week, with Bev, Tom and Danni, it was awesome, apart from the rain and the arguments, just want to mention the scary weirdos on the bus who sat behind me and Bev on the way home...
First off, this weird guy leans on the back of Bev's chair, as if he was going to join in our conversation, weird peverted, pedophile... He then starts babbling about us and our intention for the bus to hit some stupid old woman standing in the middle of the bus bay. He seemed to have some sort of window-related disorder, opening, closing, opening, closing the window...
And finally, he wanted to smash my head in. Some chavs were playing bogeys at the front of the bus, barely going above speaking level, so I thought I would coax them on by shouting bogeys... Very loudly. Sending the chavs into hysterics, the old people into shock and the physcho behind me into kill mode. For THE REST of the freekin journey he constantly moaned... It was like FUCK OFF! GO ON ANOTHER BUS YOU STUPID WEIRDO.

But moving on.
Tuesday was a day off, courtesy of some strike, so I went to town, with Rhi, who I've been meaning to go to town with for four years. Well people, it was awesome, from the drunk bowling where I fell over and scored a strike to the free carpet I got for Hayley from Carpet Right which became a Chav beating tool. So thanks for it all people, it was good.

Well, some achievements for this week include being able to put a whole packet of skittles in my mouth and eat them all, yum, the fruityness. I want some skittles now...

See, you want to know how exciting skoole is? One of the highlights of the week was Chilling in geography, yes, that's right people, I took my shoes off and did the chilling-ness in geography.

*Sneeze* See, this is what happens when you tidy your room...

I want to take this small chance to chat about something cool I found today...
Nabaztag, it's French and just hit the UK, it's a "Wi-Fi Wabbit" it can download news, weather and traffic reports and tell you about them by moving its ears and changing colour, people can also send music and messages to it, which will play instantly. They can also talk to each-other.
This is just my obsession with flashy lights and anything wireless or technological. But whatever.

I want one. (

*Another Sneeze*

Hmm, well not much else to mention, apart from my near death by pastry, last week at work and more crap about town and Studio8, but you'll have to wait for Episode 4 of the podcast for that.

What? I'd have nothing new to say otherwise. So shut up.

Episode 4 Coming Soon.

Thanks for Reading.

I had a perfect thing to put under here. But I forgot it. CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT. I hate forgetting things. FUCK!

PS. Hey Grace. I'm bored too.