My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Well, it just occured to me, I missed my blog's 1st birthday!
Not that anyone really cares, it was hardly like people were going to party over a bloody blog.

Anyhoo. March 18th 2007. Wish my blog Happy Birthday.

Also, the world now knows me, take a look over there... *Points >*
Yes BabbleFans, that it moi. The one and only. I have let a few people take exclusive pictures of me, usually I would delete them, but I thought, some pictures of me NEED to excist. So there is one.

Just realized also. I haven't put the clock forward on my blog...

Today's Mood: Bored Emo.
Listening To: Float On - Modest Mouse
Message?: "Crappy Hour" Episode 4 - Coming Soon.


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