My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Monday, April 17, 2006


It seems I'm only posting omens to my death recently.
But, don't worry, I am alive. Well, I think I am anyway.

So, the podcasts are done, all 3 episodes are availible on iChoons and for download, just go to the Podcast Blog from... Over there *Points* >>

So, Easter. I was working yesterday =P I think I've pissed off my boss somehow, I'm not sure.
Haha, just remembered though, an old cover teacher was there, she hated us and left the skoole, she called me the "Sly boy" because I changed the name on the front of my french book to Betty Spaghetti, haha, she hated us. (Flashbacks... High trousers, pink scarf, evil looks.. Chasing people around the classroom with a sharpener shouting "I'm going to get you!" Oh no wait. That's Tom's impression...)
But I got payed, so it's more ££ to my Studio8 Fund (Now standing at £6.78 - Feel free to donate *Points*>>)

Em, so, what has been happening? I don't know =P
I should write it all down, but sod it.

End of term, yay. Exams only 5 weeks or so away. Isn't skoole life FUN?!
We've had drama exams, we screwed up so bad they threw the tape away =P And we did it all again. Fucking chavs.
English is shit. But what's new? I've screwed up all the mini-tests in English - I can't stand it, it's so boring and my teacher seems to think he's a lawyer from one of the shitty plays we've been focusing on. "With my hat, I am Alfieri. I am a lawyer and I keep a gun in my filing cabinet..."

What else? Hmm. It's for another time, I'm too lazy to even blog, grr.

Today's Mood?: Happy, yet dead inside? Torn up inside because I can't tell her.
Listening To: Living for the Weekend - Hard-Fi (Reminds me of Lille. Well, the journey.)
Message?: Yep, some quotes:

My Evil Maths Teacher:
"...don't stay positive. Go negative..."

"smiley nails are the next craze!"
"dnt do drugs, drugs are bad."
"god help the girls wen u start dancing"
"I have a cat on my desk"

So, thats me for another few days.

Ciao. Aloha. Au revoir. Bye.


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