My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Teen Spirit!

Just got back from Teen, I'm half deaf but still alive, even after my four trips to the mosh pit.
So I'm happy. 3 and a half hours of awesome music with the coolest people I know.



So, it's the day after and my ears are almost back to normal (It's almost 5:30).
Hello to everyone who was there, Rhi, Hayley, Bev, Anna, (Another Girl. Ssh) Danni, Tom, Bale(Only 5!), Jamie(I rescued your shoe), Dan, Holly, Sara and anyone else, so sorry if I forgot your name, just send me a death threat and I shall add.

Some tips. Do not try to mosh to songs people are trying to dance to, ie. I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Cheifs. Trust me, it's not really appreciated.

The mosh pit is awesome. Just try not to fall over and get sat on.
Thanks to the awesome cool people though:
*Falls over*
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?
Shall I get you some tea?"
Well ok. But they are cool.

I miss the funky dancing and the people and the music... =( Must go again =D

Current Mood: Reminising. Happyish =)
Listening To: I want you to want Me - Letters To Cleo (Reminds me of Funky Dancing with Hayley =D)
Message?: Errm. Not today.


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