My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another Week. Or whatever.

Well once again, the blog has been left alone, to rot, like some, rotting thing, in a rotty place, near a delapitated house, which is rotting. You get the point.

So, not much has happened - I'm not a rockstar or anything, I'm just God; therfore, I cannot talk much of my duties, like hiding life on mars while satellites fly over. Oopps. You didn't hear it from me.

Well, the week has been alright actually, I went to town last week, with Bev, Tom and Danni, it was awesome, apart from the rain and the arguments, just want to mention the scary weirdos on the bus who sat behind me and Bev on the way home...
First off, this weird guy leans on the back of Bev's chair, as if he was going to join in our conversation, weird peverted, pedophile... He then starts babbling about us and our intention for the bus to hit some stupid old woman standing in the middle of the bus bay. He seemed to have some sort of window-related disorder, opening, closing, opening, closing the window...
And finally, he wanted to smash my head in. Some chavs were playing bogeys at the front of the bus, barely going above speaking level, so I thought I would coax them on by shouting bogeys... Very loudly. Sending the chavs into hysterics, the old people into shock and the physcho behind me into kill mode. For THE REST of the freekin journey he constantly moaned... It was like FUCK OFF! GO ON ANOTHER BUS YOU STUPID WEIRDO.

But moving on.
Tuesday was a day off, courtesy of some strike, so I went to town, with Rhi, who I've been meaning to go to town with for four years. Well people, it was awesome, from the drunk bowling where I fell over and scored a strike to the free carpet I got for Hayley from Carpet Right which became a Chav beating tool. So thanks for it all people, it was good.

Well, some achievements for this week include being able to put a whole packet of skittles in my mouth and eat them all, yum, the fruityness. I want some skittles now...

See, you want to know how exciting skoole is? One of the highlights of the week was Chilling in geography, yes, that's right people, I took my shoes off and did the chilling-ness in geography.

*Sneeze* See, this is what happens when you tidy your room...

I want to take this small chance to chat about something cool I found today...
Nabaztag, it's French and just hit the UK, it's a "Wi-Fi Wabbit" it can download news, weather and traffic reports and tell you about them by moving its ears and changing colour, people can also send music and messages to it, which will play instantly. They can also talk to each-other.
This is just my obsession with flashy lights and anything wireless or technological. But whatever.

I want one. (

*Another Sneeze*

Hmm, well not much else to mention, apart from my near death by pastry, last week at work and more crap about town and Studio8, but you'll have to wait for Episode 4 of the podcast for that.

What? I'd have nothing new to say otherwise. So shut up.

Episode 4 Coming Soon.

Thanks for Reading.

I had a perfect thing to put under here. But I forgot it. CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT. I hate forgetting things. FUCK!

PS. Hey Grace. I'm bored too.


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