My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happy Birthday from your dear friends at the NHS...

I haven't blogged for a while, well I have, but then I erased it.
I don't blog much anymore, mainly because there is nothing to talk about.

Well, today, I visited the dentist, probably not worth blogging about, but I needed to write about something.
Anyway, wish me luck... November 23rd, around 8:45am I will be lying back in a chair, with a drill in one of my teeth, feeling abit tipsy and possibly imagining that the dentist is a giant cake tring to steal my m&m's.
Well. That's local anaesthetic for you.

Oh, yes the birthday, well that happy filling event will be conducted 3 days after my birthday.
Well, at least I miss a day of skoole. Even if it is to have silver stuff in my mouth.

Anyway, on a big plus, after that I will be buying choccy, muffins, cookies and dr.pepper, then sitting on my comfy sofa\bed futon thingy playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess when it arrives on the 25th Novemeber, well, if the release date stays the same...

I'll be looking forward to it.
Until then. I have the skoole holidays, yep, all of August awaits me.


Just hit me again, I'll be in Year10 in September. Bloody Hell.

Monday, July 11, 2005


It was a hot day today, very hot for Wales, only 23 now.
I hate it when it's sunny at skoole. All the rooms start to boil.
We have to wear black trousers at skoole that absorb every ray of sun.

The evil sun. Heated the tarmac outside, we were walking around, we could FEEL the heat coming off the floor.
So, I have decided, my home town is on top of a volcano.

I'll keep you posted, probably when I see the lava flowing down my street.

Edit: I was 20 minutes late home today. Because of the skoole bus. I thought it melted.
But no. It arrived while I was walking home and Jonny wouldn't get on, so I was on the bus by myself apart from the scary kids from another skoole.
Who kept asking hard questions like Who are you then?

So. That is today.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Home, to the Land of the Long White Cloud?

Am I moving to New Zealand?

Edit: Parents have decided not to move there for a few years.
Yes. I am gutted. I was ready to go, I was single-handedly trying to pack this family away to New Zealand...


Live 8

Well, I have signed the Live8 list.
You should too.

Taking the bus, on the Long Walk to Justice.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Wise Decision.

I have indeed decided to close the Studio8 Blog.
Mainly because it's crap.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

English Presentation News.

Well today Bev could have killed me.
We set up her laptop on an ActivBoard (Interactive Whiteboard with fun pen) and I went to click the install drivers button, when I did...


Yes. The screen went blue with loads of crap written on it and the laptop went off.
And wouldn't come back on.

This, less than half an hour before the presentation.
So, we called Bev's bro Taz, he is more expert than me.
I thought it could be power supply or just me.
The teacher locked the room the laptop was in, so we had to wait for it to be unlocked, when we changed the powersupply and tried the laptop, it worked. Thank God. I think Bev was ready to throw something at me.

So, laptop was working and presentations went ahead.
Dan did his presentation on Crazy Frog, it didn't go well. I won't go into it.
Then it was my presentation, I was nervous, but I loaded my powerpoint and waited until everyone shut up, and I introduced myself reading off my cue cards.
After a few slides, I gave up on my cue-cards and I sounded less like a robot and loosened up.

I enjoyed it, but at the same time I was relieved it was over, I was also happy that people liked it.

Bev also did her presentation, it was going well, but Powerpoint crashed. But, Bev carried on.
When her bro fixed laptop, Bev loaded Sims2 =P
And showed the Presentation family. Heehee, in the house I built.

Was good. Thanks for reading.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Go on. Hit Me.

"Hit me at 40 and there's an 80% chance I'll die
Hit me at 30 and there's an 80% chance I'll live."

The latest speed campaign, when you see someone on the road, don't stop, slow down to 30.
They'll probably live.
Go on. Hit me at 30.

It's 30 for a reason.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Not Much New...

Not much news.
Saw War of the Worlds on Friday, possibly the best movie I have ever seen. Single handedly pushed me over the edge and makes we want to become a director.
Probably Steven Spielburg's (Apologize for crap spelling) scariest movie too, unless you are scared of ET?

Bought my new phone at last, Sagem MYX5-2, it is, sooo much better than my Nokia 3310.
Except I hate WAP. WAP is Evil. WAP, translated to "Money Drain" in Business Language.
WAP is on my menu (T-Zones) and it sort of calls me, "Sam, come have a look on WAP!"
also, on the home screen, it tricks me, I press the left button and it takes me to WAP.

I have spent £1.03 on WAP, doing nothing. =(
And now some money on some game, I don't need.
Ok, I'll click help...
Shit, that cost 15p.

Anyhoo. Doing English Presentation on Thursday - As you can see, I'm avoiding calling it an Oral Exam (What it actually is) as it sounds less important.
So, Presentation is on the BBC Movie I made.

I shall update you, as it happens.


Friday, July 01, 2005

The Sims2 yn Cymraeg?

A New Experiance for me, thanks to Bev.
In Welsh last week, as usual, we had to do a poster, boring.
Bev had her laptop, as she is doing her English "Presentation" on The Sims 2 and we had to install it. So I asked our Welsh Teacher can I use Bev's laptop, she said If it's ok with Bev, and it was.

So, out of her bag it came, we set it up, I loaded (shudder) Microsoft Publisher (Slightly off topic, how dare Bill Gates be at Live8) and started my poster, I whispered to Bev, shall I install Sims 2?
Yea! =P

So, I got the box out of my bag and placed the disk in the laptop's cd drive, it made a loud whirring noise, attracting everyone's attention, except the teacher's.
We put the taskbar on auto-hide and I worked on my poster while it installed, every now and again I would change the disk...

Once installed we ran the game, the teacher was metres away as I pulled the game up from the hidden taskbar, luckily repeated pressing of the Start Button Key hid the game from her evil eyes.

So. The Sims2 in Welsh. Something New...
