My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, July 01, 2005

The Sims2 yn Cymraeg?

A New Experiance for me, thanks to Bev.
In Welsh last week, as usual, we had to do a poster, boring.
Bev had her laptop, as she is doing her English "Presentation" on The Sims 2 and we had to install it. So I asked our Welsh Teacher can I use Bev's laptop, she said If it's ok with Bev, and it was.

So, out of her bag it came, we set it up, I loaded (shudder) Microsoft Publisher (Slightly off topic, how dare Bill Gates be at Live8) and started my poster, I whispered to Bev, shall I install Sims 2?
Yea! =P

So, I got the box out of my bag and placed the disk in the laptop's cd drive, it made a loud whirring noise, attracting everyone's attention, except the teacher's.
We put the taskbar on auto-hide and I worked on my poster while it installed, every now and again I would change the disk...

Once installed we ran the game, the teacher was metres away as I pulled the game up from the hidden taskbar, luckily repeated pressing of the Start Button Key hid the game from her evil eyes.

So. The Sims2 in Welsh. Something New...



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