My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, July 11, 2005


It was a hot day today, very hot for Wales, only 23 now.
I hate it when it's sunny at skoole. All the rooms start to boil.
We have to wear black trousers at skoole that absorb every ray of sun.

The evil sun. Heated the tarmac outside, we were walking around, we could FEEL the heat coming off the floor.
So, I have decided, my home town is on top of a volcano.

I'll keep you posted, probably when I see the lava flowing down my street.

Edit: I was 20 minutes late home today. Because of the skoole bus. I thought it melted.
But no. It arrived while I was walking home and Jonny wouldn't get on, so I was on the bus by myself apart from the scary kids from another skoole.
Who kept asking hard questions like Who are you then?

So. That is today.



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