My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happy Birthday from your dear friends at the NHS...

I haven't blogged for a while, well I have, but then I erased it.
I don't blog much anymore, mainly because there is nothing to talk about.

Well, today, I visited the dentist, probably not worth blogging about, but I needed to write about something.
Anyway, wish me luck... November 23rd, around 8:45am I will be lying back in a chair, with a drill in one of my teeth, feeling abit tipsy and possibly imagining that the dentist is a giant cake tring to steal my m&m's.
Well. That's local anaesthetic for you.

Oh, yes the birthday, well that happy filling event will be conducted 3 days after my birthday.
Well, at least I miss a day of skoole. Even if it is to have silver stuff in my mouth.

Anyway, on a big plus, after that I will be buying choccy, muffins, cookies and dr.pepper, then sitting on my comfy sofa\bed futon thingy playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess when it arrives on the 25th Novemeber, well, if the release date stays the same...

I'll be looking forward to it.
Until then. I have the skoole holidays, yep, all of August awaits me.


Just hit me again, I'll be in Year10 in September. Bloody Hell.


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