My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

English Presentation News.

Well today Bev could have killed me.
We set up her laptop on an ActivBoard (Interactive Whiteboard with fun pen) and I went to click the install drivers button, when I did...


Yes. The screen went blue with loads of crap written on it and the laptop went off.
And wouldn't come back on.

This, less than half an hour before the presentation.
So, we called Bev's bro Taz, he is more expert than me.
I thought it could be power supply or just me.
The teacher locked the room the laptop was in, so we had to wait for it to be unlocked, when we changed the powersupply and tried the laptop, it worked. Thank God. I think Bev was ready to throw something at me.

So, laptop was working and presentations went ahead.
Dan did his presentation on Crazy Frog, it didn't go well. I won't go into it.
Then it was my presentation, I was nervous, but I loaded my powerpoint and waited until everyone shut up, and I introduced myself reading off my cue cards.
After a few slides, I gave up on my cue-cards and I sounded less like a robot and loosened up.

I enjoyed it, but at the same time I was relieved it was over, I was also happy that people liked it.

Bev also did her presentation, it was going well, but Powerpoint crashed. But, Bev carried on.
When her bro fixed laptop, Bev loaded Sims2 =P
And showed the Presentation family. Heehee, in the house I built.

Was good. Thanks for reading.



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