My Realm of Babbling

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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Not Much New...

Not much news.
Saw War of the Worlds on Friday, possibly the best movie I have ever seen. Single handedly pushed me over the edge and makes we want to become a director.
Probably Steven Spielburg's (Apologize for crap spelling) scariest movie too, unless you are scared of ET?

Bought my new phone at last, Sagem MYX5-2, it is, sooo much better than my Nokia 3310.
Except I hate WAP. WAP is Evil. WAP, translated to "Money Drain" in Business Language.
WAP is on my menu (T-Zones) and it sort of calls me, "Sam, come have a look on WAP!"
also, on the home screen, it tricks me, I press the left button and it takes me to WAP.

I have spent £1.03 on WAP, doing nothing. =(
And now some money on some game, I don't need.
Ok, I'll click help...
Shit, that cost 15p.

Anyhoo. Doing English Presentation on Thursday - As you can see, I'm avoiding calling it an Oral Exam (What it actually is) as it sounds less important.
So, Presentation is on the BBC Movie I made.

I shall update you, as it happens.



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