My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I thought I may aswell give the world a little window onto my recent doings.
*Cartoon Window* Peer closer, and you see there is nothing.

Well, let's talk education, NO, come back!
Aaah, well, for those also doing their GCSE's, I wish you luck with excuses for late coursework, I've just finished a shoddily done piece of Drama Coursework, myself, Dan and Rebecca who I probably haven't blogged about before - Have taken GCSE Drama and have formed our little group.
We are supposed to be working on a tradgedy we chose 9/11, it must be 15 minutes long, and so far we have a grand total of 00minutes.
Yes, that's right because one of us is never working whether it be me and Dan creating pointless (but fun) tigerstick fightscenes or Rebecca running away from Dan's ass-slapping hand we have done no work in the many weeks we have had.

So, I have come up with a plan.
We don't do the work. I have looked at the AQA Drama stuffs and we can do a technical piece of work instead, so, if we spilt our group and join another group becoming that particular group's set designer\lighting\sound consultant we can still get a good mark. Enter shoddy coursework.

Anyhoo. That should work. Or not.

Well, I just realized I gave no blog of what happened at the doctors, well, short story -err, shorter, I got some E45 wash crap to "take care of my skin" and some pills and finally Zineryt =P The crap combined with Zinc to make my face amazing.
That's about it.

Maths: It's like a cold disgusting expresso... In the morning... The Afternoon and At Night...
I use Zineryt to stop my face melting off. *Cheap Smile and holds up bottle of Zineryt*

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Locked In =S

I am here in IT with Bev, Tom and Baby Bea (Bev's iPod)
Chris M and others are moaning along to chav music... Taking the piss...
The lights just went out and Scott is trying to lock the teacher out of the room...
Teehee...It's a good IT lesson today...

Bev is playing scratch and win. Imma gona go have a go.

Lots to say. But now aint the time.

The chav music is getting louder... Help...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Bonjour, Aloha.
Hehe, I am back. Seeing as this is my blog it would be me... Hmm.

Anyway, Bev's iPod arrived =P
I want one.

I am desperate for movie ideas. It's driving me mad.

I decided to go help with the production at my school this year, its some un-heard thing called "Eclipse" - If you are under 16 and have heard of this I suggest you get out more...
Anyway. The lights were fucked. Nothing worked.
After about 20minutes I solved it all, mwa ha!
Something was unplugged. But that is not the point. I fixed something.

Moving on. I keep forgetting what I am supposed to put in here. I think, aah, I will mention that to the world, and then I forget... So. Err. That's my update for today...

Oh, on a completly un-related subject of what I forgot, I overcame my fear once again to call the Nintendo Service Centre, so they gave me their new address and I am sending my cube off soon.
Those who haven't seen the Revolution, go, delve into my archives. I want one now, its's new and I want it, along with a new pc, freeview box and lots of other crap, which may or not include the earth and a plasma tele.

Anyway. Please feel free to post any movie ideas, perhaps something that has happened to you or whatever. I'll accept anything at the moment, as long as it makes sense to me...

Hmm, Well.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Latest Hapennings...

Well, in a attempt to keep up to date, I shall post some random info on my life and days in dear Wales.

My english class is terrified about a new test that we are having the week after next, as we are afraid if we don't do well we will get kicked out of top set, unfortunately for me, I miss the test, as I am going to the doctor's to see if they can salvage my face (probably not hapenning)... Which means I probably get the test early. Not good.

Bev is getting her iPod before me. Like I said she would. Like I hoped she wouldn't.
But it's arriving next week and I have been informed my podcast will grace it's hard drive, so there we are.
It seems America has grown attached to our dear podcast and we are pleased to have a steady flow of opinion in the form of a comment or two - anyway. Clicky: Crappy Hour Podcast Blog.

Couzin Joe has Mario Party 6 (with microphone) for those who know what the game is...
I was playing it today and has reminded me that it's time to buy a new game for my dear old dusty gamecube, which has been neglected for a while.
I'm supposed to be saving for my new pc, but I'm planning to go get a job in November...
I'm screwed if I don't get the job though... Hehe.

The movie side of things is going slow, no ideas as of yet... Tis not very good...

Bus drivers. They want every penny.
Trying to make me pay adult fare. Ha. I put him right. Saves money to be awkward.

Hmm. I'm sure there was more to moan about and stuffs.
Aah well.
