My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Bonjour, Aloha.
Hehe, I am back. Seeing as this is my blog it would be me... Hmm.

Anyway, Bev's iPod arrived =P
I want one.

I am desperate for movie ideas. It's driving me mad.

I decided to go help with the production at my school this year, its some un-heard thing called "Eclipse" - If you are under 16 and have heard of this I suggest you get out more...
Anyway. The lights were fucked. Nothing worked.
After about 20minutes I solved it all, mwa ha!
Something was unplugged. But that is not the point. I fixed something.

Moving on. I keep forgetting what I am supposed to put in here. I think, aah, I will mention that to the world, and then I forget... So. Err. That's my update for today...

Oh, on a completly un-related subject of what I forgot, I overcame my fear once again to call the Nintendo Service Centre, so they gave me their new address and I am sending my cube off soon.
Those who haven't seen the Revolution, go, delve into my archives. I want one now, its's new and I want it, along with a new pc, freeview box and lots of other crap, which may or not include the earth and a plasma tele.

Anyway. Please feel free to post any movie ideas, perhaps something that has happened to you or whatever. I'll accept anything at the moment, as long as it makes sense to me...

Hmm, Well.



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