My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, October 01, 2005

Latest Hapennings...

Well, in a attempt to keep up to date, I shall post some random info on my life and days in dear Wales.

My english class is terrified about a new test that we are having the week after next, as we are afraid if we don't do well we will get kicked out of top set, unfortunately for me, I miss the test, as I am going to the doctor's to see if they can salvage my face (probably not hapenning)... Which means I probably get the test early. Not good.

Bev is getting her iPod before me. Like I said she would. Like I hoped she wouldn't.
But it's arriving next week and I have been informed my podcast will grace it's hard drive, so there we are.
It seems America has grown attached to our dear podcast and we are pleased to have a steady flow of opinion in the form of a comment or two - anyway. Clicky: Crappy Hour Podcast Blog.

Couzin Joe has Mario Party 6 (with microphone) for those who know what the game is...
I was playing it today and has reminded me that it's time to buy a new game for my dear old dusty gamecube, which has been neglected for a while.
I'm supposed to be saving for my new pc, but I'm planning to go get a job in November...
I'm screwed if I don't get the job though... Hehe.

The movie side of things is going slow, no ideas as of yet... Tis not very good...

Bus drivers. They want every penny.
Trying to make me pay adult fare. Ha. I put him right. Saves money to be awkward.

Hmm. I'm sure there was more to moan about and stuffs.
Aah well.



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