My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Meh, Bleh. Drifiting.

Drififting around here, been unable to blog for awhile, skoole has suddenly become demanding.
Coursework due in almost every few weeks now... AAAAAH.

Oh yay. Microsoft Outlook knows how to keep me happy, It's just reminded me my fun fun fun drama coursework is due in next week along with other skoole related crap.

Anyhoo, not much to say, too much time...

So, a quick run through recent things.

We (Studio8 - Me, Ed and Jonny) have decided not to enter the Firefox Flicks contest, seeing as we couldn't make one in time and buying one would be expensive, as cool as it would be to dress as a fox, however, we have set up the Studio, we hope to be filming some stuff soon.

I've just had a module exam, easy. So that's one less thing to worry about.
Also, yesterday, I had my English CW\Oral Exam thing, it went pretty good, it was about 4x longer than asked for, but whatever. Another thing less to worry about.

Just noticed.. Since my last coursework, on Henry V, which to be honest, took forever, I've got about 50 pages of drafts and Henry V related notes infesting my room, mainly under the radiator. They are probably a fire hazard.

I've started thinking of college options, I've chosen too much and I can't do what I want...
And to be honest, the careers advisor wasn't much help, I don't think he believes I could be a film director or own an IT company\Studio (The two things I want to do). But whatever.

I'm pretty bored today, really bored, it's making me feel bleh.
I feel bad about being so lazy too, I should go and find Bev, Tom, Kitty and Dan more...

Yea. Anyhoo. Bleh.


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