My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Well, at least I miss work...

Don't stop reading this or something VERY BAD will happen to you in exactly 5 hours and 22 minutes. This is extremely freaky. Be careful what you open.

During a thunderstorm ...

Beth: Hey Ben! Sup?
Ben: Uhhh ... nothing much about to go to a party ... haha you?
Beth: Haha nice ... uhhh just staying in for the night.
Ben: I have this huge favor to ask you ...
Beth: Yeah ... what?
Ben: Can you please come over and watch my brother for me? I won't be able to go if no one watches him.
Beth: Ughh ... well ....
Ben: Please Beth!
Beth: *Sighs* Alright. I'll be over in a few minutes.

A few minutes later, Beth arrives at Ben's house.

Ben: Hey, thanks so much!
beth: Hehe. No problem. By the way, you look really nice.
Ben: Thanks! Anyways, here's my number. Call me in about an hour and tell me how everything is, okay?
Beth: Alright, bye!

Then Ben left. Beth headed over to Ben's younger brother.

Beth: Hey sport!
John: Hi Beth ... I'm really scared ...
Beth: Awww ... don't be. I'm here. Lets turn on some T.V.

As Beth walked over to the T.V. , the lights suddenly went out. John freaked out and screamed!

Beth: John, it's okay. I have a flashlight. Hold on, one second. Darn it! The flashlight doesn't work! Uhmmm ... okay, okay, lets go up to your brother's room. I think he has an extra one.
John: *mumbles* okay.

As Beth and John headed up towards Ben's room, they heard a creepy laughter that brought chills up their spines.

John: *screams* What was that?!
Beth: John stop doing that. Let me call your brother and ask where the flashlight is.
John: But I didn't ... *Johns voice started to fade away ...*
Beth: Hey Ben! How's the party?
ben: Good, thanks! Listen I got to go. Can I call you in 5 minutes?
Beth: Sure. But where's the flashlight in your room?
Ben: Oh, uhmmm ... it's under my bed, to the left. I think.

Beth walks over to Ben's bed and screams.

Beth: Oh my God!
ben: What happened?!
beth: Oh, hahah. Nothing, I didn't know you had a clown statue in your bedroom. It scared me half to death Especially the bloody knife on its hand. It looks so real! Where did you get it? Did you get it at the Halloween store?
Ben: Beth ... I don't have a clown statue in my bedroom.

The line quickly goes dead. Ben started panicing and raced home as fast as he can. When he got home, he ran into his bedroom, where Beth and Ben were no where to be seen. He saw his brother lying on his bed.

Ben: *rolls his eyes and said to himself* I can't believe Beth would play such an awful trick on me.

He went and sat down at his computer and pulled up myspace. He went into his myspace account and checked his bulletins. I noticed that he had a random new friend. The profile picture was a freaky clown face. That made him freak out a bit. Then he saw that the mysterious clown friend had posted a bulletin called "Clowning Around". Ben opened the bulletin and started to read it. This was the same bulletin that he saw last night! He got freaked out and didn't repost it.

Trembling, he got in his bed, next to his brother and kissed his cheek good night.

Ben: You can sleep here with me tonight, Sport. Good night.

Suddenly, the figure in the bed turned to ben.

Clown: Now its your turn.

Ben let out a high pitch screamed and the clown killed him. After the job was done, the clown threw Ben under the bed along with Beth and John.

If you don't repost this in the next 10 minutes, the clown will appear by your bed tonight, while you're sleeping and the same ending will happen to you. When you repost this name it your schools/college/work name. This isn't a joke

Yes. It's another one.

This will explain my deadness tomorrow I suppose.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another Post I Think?

Aloha Mes Amis!
Well, once again... It's been a while... It always is.
More English CW. More Drama CW. More of that fucking hippy of a Maths teacher.

I love Mumbles...
I was talking to Rhi about it this afternoon, I'd been there for the weekend at my couzin's, pissing off the security at Lidl... We (Myself, Joe and my other couzin Key) went to buy lemonade and coke for some rocket thing, so we bought 5 bottles, then I thought the coke was alone and needed a lemonade, so I went back and got that.
Then my other couzin Key realized he had more dosh. So we went back and bought 14.
I was let down by the shitty layout of the store, the fact that you have to BUY something to get out of the fucking shop. For example.
When we realized we could buy 14 more, we decided a trolley would be useful, but we couldn't even get out of the fucking shop, until some french people came. Merci.

After getting the coke\lemonade to the checkout (17p a bottle...) we had some truly "wonderful" service from the checkout lady, who was probably pretty pissed off with seeing my AGAIN.
We bought the stuff and some shitty bags. What alot of good. And she ripped us off by 3p.

Well, we found that lemonade from Somerfield is much more powerful... You'd think the Germans could at least invent lemonade that goes BOOM!
But there we go. Hmm, lemonade is a good gel too... Having it explode in your face as it propels away, full pelt into the side of someone else's house is quite refreshing.

Mmm. Anyway. That was abit off what I was saying.
I love Mumbles, it's awesome in the Sun, by the sea... What do you think Rhi?

I have more to say... But I really can't be bothered.
For anyone in America - Here is Mumbles:

Anyhoo, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's Official. Crimbo is Over.

Well, just thought I'd mention..

Crimbo is over.
The last piece of tinsel has been quietly removed from my room by the Anti-Crimbo Squad (Al-Kaeda for short).

Merry Crimbo.
Lots of days to go.


Meh, Bleh. Drifiting.

Drififting around here, been unable to blog for awhile, skoole has suddenly become demanding.
Coursework due in almost every few weeks now... AAAAAH.

Oh yay. Microsoft Outlook knows how to keep me happy, It's just reminded me my fun fun fun drama coursework is due in next week along with other skoole related crap.

Anyhoo, not much to say, too much time...

So, a quick run through recent things.

We (Studio8 - Me, Ed and Jonny) have decided not to enter the Firefox Flicks contest, seeing as we couldn't make one in time and buying one would be expensive, as cool as it would be to dress as a fox, however, we have set up the Studio, we hope to be filming some stuff soon.

I've just had a module exam, easy. So that's one less thing to worry about.
Also, yesterday, I had my English CW\Oral Exam thing, it went pretty good, it was about 4x longer than asked for, but whatever. Another thing less to worry about.

Just noticed.. Since my last coursework, on Henry V, which to be honest, took forever, I've got about 50 pages of drafts and Henry V related notes infesting my room, mainly under the radiator. They are probably a fire hazard.

I've started thinking of college options, I've chosen too much and I can't do what I want...
And to be honest, the careers advisor wasn't much help, I don't think he believes I could be a film director or own an IT company\Studio (The two things I want to do). But whatever.

I'm pretty bored today, really bored, it's making me feel bleh.
I feel bad about being so lazy too, I should go and find Bev, Tom, Kitty and Dan more...

Yea. Anyhoo. Bleh.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Latest Stuff...

Well Post 134 and my writings aren't any better...

Well today was a good day, extra time in bed.. As the whites of death (more commenly known as shnow) fell from the sky and the teachers, "Couldn't get to skoole" (Translation: "Couldn't get out of bed") and the buses "Pulled out of the service today" (Translation: "It was too cold.")

So, went to Jonny's house and got pelted with shnowballs, scared the neighbours, snowboarded, possibly caused an avalanche and made 3 4foot high shnowballs.
Ed finally came down and a Studio8 meeting soon turned into a shnowball fight against everyone.

When we got back inside, we did try to discuss the latest Studio8 project.

It's harder than we imagined.

With less than 30 days to go to the deadline - including post-production (editing) we still haven't found a fox fursuit for the amazing me.. Or my dog (That's Plan B)...
And I really have been looking, nothing to rent and nothing to buy for under £50... (Yes. I am a cheapskate. Studio8 HAS NO FUNDING IF YOU REMEMBER.*)
So, hopefully it snows tomorrow and we can continue our meeting, perhaps something will get done.

As always, I'll keep ya posted.