My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another Post I Think?

Aloha Mes Amis!
Well, once again... It's been a while... It always is.
More English CW. More Drama CW. More of that fucking hippy of a Maths teacher.

I love Mumbles...
I was talking to Rhi about it this afternoon, I'd been there for the weekend at my couzin's, pissing off the security at Lidl... We (Myself, Joe and my other couzin Key) went to buy lemonade and coke for some rocket thing, so we bought 5 bottles, then I thought the coke was alone and needed a lemonade, so I went back and got that.
Then my other couzin Key realized he had more dosh. So we went back and bought 14.
I was let down by the shitty layout of the store, the fact that you have to BUY something to get out of the fucking shop. For example.
When we realized we could buy 14 more, we decided a trolley would be useful, but we couldn't even get out of the fucking shop, until some french people came. Merci.

After getting the coke\lemonade to the checkout (17p a bottle...) we had some truly "wonderful" service from the checkout lady, who was probably pretty pissed off with seeing my AGAIN.
We bought the stuff and some shitty bags. What alot of good. And she ripped us off by 3p.

Well, we found that lemonade from Somerfield is much more powerful... You'd think the Germans could at least invent lemonade that goes BOOM!
But there we go. Hmm, lemonade is a good gel too... Having it explode in your face as it propels away, full pelt into the side of someone else's house is quite refreshing.

Mmm. Anyway. That was abit off what I was saying.
I love Mumbles, it's awesome in the Sun, by the sea... What do you think Rhi?

I have more to say... But I really can't be bothered.
For anyone in America - Here is Mumbles:

Anyhoo, thanks for reading.


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