My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Isit Just Me?

Recently, I was watching tv (as usual) and switched to a channel to be greeted by a large crowd staring at a dark stage, smoke and lasers burst into view with some woman standing around introducing us to the world's first, kettle console.
Yes. It's the new xbox 360 - The first console that plays games, mp3's and boil waters. (Along with other stuffs)
Seriously, take a look, it really does look like a kettle...

Along with Toaster Edition...

Offical Person for Thingy.

Monday, May 16, 2005

A Statistical Snippet...

While randomly "surfing" the internet. I found a snippet of information:
"85% of everything you write, I write, anyone writes, will likely be crap. So, if you want to hit that 15%, you're going to have to work at it. Blogs are great for that."

I just wanted to inform the reading public that this blog is indeed 100% crap.
If you are looking for "the" 15% stay anyway. It might just make sense.

100% Babble.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

My Magical Apology To Bev

Bev, I am so very sorry that I didn't give recognition =(

So. Here you go, a sorry message =)


Yes. So Sorry, Sorryness.

Sorry Bev.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Exams and Update Thing.

Well Hullo.
My PC has been brokended for a little while, so I am here, at my couzin's house, posting my magical update.
The past weeks have involved exams. Not fun. They all went pretty good though, except for English Writing and Maths Paper 2, I wasn't bothered about RE, History and Welsh. Just as well.
So exams are done. Yay!
After Maths Paper 2, I was innocently sitting there, in the hall, abit stressed because I fucked the paper up and the teacher walks in, "Well Done, Now, You've completed your Maths Papers (Duh?!) and 2 weeks yesterday you'll have another exam, so keep revising!"We have just had 2 weeks of exams but that doesn't matter? NOO. We can take more! We like exams! AAAAH.
Oh yea, Science SATS were easy, everyone had finished them in 1/2 hour (including me, because I am magically clever) so, my watch decided to beep?! Yes. Very loudly. Echoing all around the hall, teachers suddenly looked up and circled the hall. Someone was cheating perhaps? So I had to sit there, with my watch, whispering "Shut up, shut up, crappy watch" Wanting to throw it at the floor or something, people were all looking at me, hehe, so I managed to clasp my hands and shove it under my elbow and it went quiet, but, I had to sit there for 15 sodding minutes, I wanted to escape. But I didn't.

On a cruddy note. Skoole sucks.
On a happy, lets give recognition to everyone I know note:
Hello to Grace (Amazing Couzin) who is suffering at the hands of GSCE's
And Rachael because I'm talking to you on MSN.

Happy for Today. There are Muffins in the Cupboard

Couzin Joe's Advice for Today:
Computers are to smart for their own good. They will take over the world.

My Crap Advice for Today:
If you want friends, don't try to set them on fire. They won't like it.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dedicated Blog #3 - Danielle and Sarah

Ok, Well Hullo
I have probably spelt your names wrong, so if I have just tell me because I am the best I will take time out of my "busy" life and change it. Hehe.

Hello Danielle and Sarah! Yea! Its a dedicated message! To yooou!

Yes. There we go. Another happy, dedicated message from me!

Dedicated Message People

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Yes. Magical Bowling. Was Good. Very Good.

Well Aloha.
Just like to say a big Heelooo! to everyone who came bowling yesterday and thanks to Carl at Sterling Rock for taking us all out =P.

It started off, a normal, magical day, and couzin Joue happened to be in a sleeping bag. On the floor. After much trampoline and Nintendo DS time...
...I was on my way to magic town (see, you physicotic paedophiles, you will never find me! HAHA!) when we arrived (Me, Jonny, Ed, {Btw, Big thanks to Jonny and Ed for all the work they've put into raising funds for Studio8] and Bobby and Niko {Jonny's Friends})
So, Carl rung me while I was eating a Toffee muffin from "La Bageutte Du Jour" which is a nice little place on the high street. Anyhoo, Carl (Managing Director of Sterling Rock Ltd. and the nice guy who took us to bowling and stuff) rung and informed me (see I can use english) that they were running 40minutes late. So, we met up with Craig (another friend of mine) and then found Bev, Dan, Tom, Kitty, Nia and Danni.
Daniel had decided to buy a yellow top from Burtons, hehe, mind you, he told me he was going to spend £145 instead. See, I could have bought lots of things with that...
Anyhoo. We found matching trousers for £6 but he didnt want them...Not suprised...They were bright yellow, and looked more like pyjamas...
Around 5:30 we went to megabowl (a bowling alley, dont ya know?) and Carl rung, he said he was walking past UCI and we saw him, and two of his colleagues carrying stacks of yummy prizes! And a phone and portable dvd player. Which, I didnt get =( But they did go to someone who deserved them more than I did =) Bev =P

Anyboo, After bowling we went to Deep Pan (not Pizza Express, Carl) and had food, well I had 2 J20's, because, as much as I'd like to be a fan of pizza (and coffee =S) I aint. So I wanted the chocolate challenge thing to share with Bev, but we didnt realize we had to order it with the pizza, so throughout the evening we had questions and boxes of sweets being thrown around, sadly the phone was not won by me, hehe, but by Bev's mum, and Bev has the phone now =P Well done, Bevy.
And, the portable dvd player was almost mine, but I lost that to Bev.
I chose the wrong thingy and she didnt =P
But, if I hadn't been a twat and said, "Bev, what would you like to choose?" I would have won. Hehe. O well. =P

Anyway, thanks for a great night to everyone who came and to Sterling Rock

Magical Bowling Man.

Also. The alley was rigged. The pins were glued and the alley turned at an angle. Thats why I was 2nd (or somin) in the first game and pretty much last in the second game. Well, except for Danni, she doesn't bowl she throws and makes dents in the alley. Hehe.