My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Isit Just Me?

Recently, I was watching tv (as usual) and switched to a channel to be greeted by a large crowd staring at a dark stage, smoke and lasers burst into view with some woman standing around introducing us to the world's first, kettle console.
Yes. It's the new xbox 360 - The first console that plays games, mp3's and boil waters. (Along with other stuffs)
Seriously, take a look, it really does look like a kettle...

Along with Toaster Edition...

Offical Person for Thingy.


  • At Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:29:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Helo its tinkerbell!ive taken time from flying around the sky with peter 2 read your blog! wendy reads your blog every night to the lost boys and i must say you do have some fans! so on behalf of all of them id like 2 say thanks for bringing ur blog in to our lives! it has touched many lives!
    You are a big hit in never land
    may i send u fairy dust! so one day u can fly and read live to the loss boys
    Lve tink x


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