My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Exams and Update Thing.

Well Hullo.
My PC has been brokended for a little while, so I am here, at my couzin's house, posting my magical update.
The past weeks have involved exams. Not fun. They all went pretty good though, except for English Writing and Maths Paper 2, I wasn't bothered about RE, History and Welsh. Just as well.
So exams are done. Yay!
After Maths Paper 2, I was innocently sitting there, in the hall, abit stressed because I fucked the paper up and the teacher walks in, "Well Done, Now, You've completed your Maths Papers (Duh?!) and 2 weeks yesterday you'll have another exam, so keep revising!"We have just had 2 weeks of exams but that doesn't matter? NOO. We can take more! We like exams! AAAAH.
Oh yea, Science SATS were easy, everyone had finished them in 1/2 hour (including me, because I am magically clever) so, my watch decided to beep?! Yes. Very loudly. Echoing all around the hall, teachers suddenly looked up and circled the hall. Someone was cheating perhaps? So I had to sit there, with my watch, whispering "Shut up, shut up, crappy watch" Wanting to throw it at the floor or something, people were all looking at me, hehe, so I managed to clasp my hands and shove it under my elbow and it went quiet, but, I had to sit there for 15 sodding minutes, I wanted to escape. But I didn't.

On a cruddy note. Skoole sucks.
On a happy, lets give recognition to everyone I know note:
Hello to Grace (Amazing Couzin) who is suffering at the hands of GSCE's
And Rachael because I'm talking to you on MSN.

Happy for Today. There are Muffins in the Cupboard

Couzin Joe's Advice for Today:
Computers are to smart for their own good. They will take over the world.

My Crap Advice for Today:
If you want friends, don't try to set them on fire. They won't like it.


  • At Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:06:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    fine...dont say hi to me, u know i reeed ur blog =( and just cos u go away for a few days u 4get bout me ='( u's nasty and evil samuel!!! NASTY AND EVIL!!!

  • At Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:24:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well sam boyo! what can i say i am pretty amazing lmao jkin :P
    Lv grace x


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