My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ok. Ok. I apologize.

Ok, it's been awhile, a LONG while.
But much has been happening.. And I'm very lazy.

It's been dawning on me the last few months that I just can't type my thoughts, they are so different well I TELLING them, so perhaps over the next few months this will be a vlog =P

One can only hope that it won't turn into the saga that is Crappy Hour (by the way, the reason there hasn't been a Crappy Hour again, is that Jonny has killed his PC ~ Now it's fixed, just without the internet.. Or programs.. Or files...)

But I just wanted to tell you all, that lucky for you, I haven't forgotten about you.

*Sam stares out into an empty room, no readers are left, bar one, a smelly old tramp huddled in the corner.*

Hmm. Well, thanks. I shall work on this thing for you (people who aren't here, I mean, not the tramp, he's only here as it's cold outside.)

Anyhoo, I shall write soon ~ Work experiance next week (and a large backlog of BlogNotes from various bits of paper around the room..)


I'm sorry to Bev, I didn't see you hiding under a chair in my little Babble Studio =P